

Hemangiomas are noncancerous growths of blood vessels commonly found in infants. They usually appear as small red birthmarks on the skin. While most hemangiomas fade over time, some may require treatment. Options include watchful waiting, medications, or surgery. Consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and management.


Hemangiomas are noncancerous growths that form when blood vessels multiply and clump together. They are commonly found in infants and are usually harmless, requiring no treatment. Hemangiomas generally appear as small, red birthmarks on the skin, often on the face or neck. While they are typically present at birth or appear within the first or second week of life, they can also develop during infancy. Most hemangiomas grow rapidly during the first year of life and then gradually start to shrink and disappear over time.

Types of Hemangiomas

There are two main types of hemangiomas:

Superficial Hemangiomas

Superficial hemangiomas are located close to the surface of the skin and appear bright red. They may be flat or slightly raised, forming a lumpy, rubbery texture. These types of hemangiomas can grow rapidly in the first few months of life, but they tend to shrink and fade on their own without treatment by the age of 5-10 years.

Deep Hemangiomas

Deep hemangiomas, as the name suggests, are situated deeper within the skin and may have a bluish-purple color. These types of hemangiomas are more commonly found in the head and neck area. Deep hemangiomas, unlike superficial ones, grow slowly and may not completely disappear over time. They can leave behind scars or discolored skin.

Treatment Options for Hemangiomas

Not all hemangiomas require treatment, as most of them will naturally fade with time. However, in cases where treatment is necessary, there are several options available:

Watchful Waiting

For small or uncomplicated hemangiomas that are not causing any functional or cosmetic problems, doctors may recommend a watchful waiting approach. This involves monitoring the hemangioma over time to ensure it follows the expected pattern of growth and regression.


Certain medications, such as beta-blockers, can be prescribed to help shrink hemangiomas or slow down their growth. These medications are typically used for larger or more problematic hemangiomas that may interfere with vital functions or cause significant cosmetic concerns.

Surgical Intervention

In cases where hemangiomas are causing severe functional impairment or affecting a person's quality of life, surgery may be necessary. Surgical removal or laser therapy can help remove or reduce the size of the hemangioma and improve cosmetic outcomes.


Hemangiomas are common noncancerous growths of blood vessels that typically occur in infants. They often appear as small red birthmarks on the skin and tend to grow rapidly during the first year of life. While most hemangiomas will regress on their own without intervention, some may require treatment due to functional or cosmetic concerns. Treatment options vary from watchful waiting to medications or surgical intervention, depending on the severity and location of the hemangioma. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.