HomeDrug ClassesCystine Depleting Agents

Cystine Depleting Agents: Uses, Common Brands, and Safety Info

"Cystine depleting agents are drugs used to manage cystinuria, a genetic disorder causing cystine stone formation. They reduce cystine levels in urine, preventing stone formation and recurrence. Common brands include Thiola and Cuprimine. Safety considerations include monitoring for adverse effects and adhering to prescribed dosages. Regular monitoring of kidney function and blood counts is important. Overall, these drugs are effective in managing cystinuria but require careful monitoring and adherence."

Cystine Depleting Agents

Cystine depleting agents are a class of drugs used in the management of cystinuria, a rare genetic disorder characterized by the formation of cystine stones in the kidneys, bladder, and ureters. These agents work by reducing the concentration of cystine in the urine, thereby preventing the formation of cystine stones and minimizing the risk of stone-related complications.


The primary use of cystine depleting agents is to prevent the recurrence of cystine stones in patients with cystinuria. By decreasing the amount of cystine in the urine, these drugs help to dissolve existing stones and inhibit the formation of new ones. Additionally, cystine depleting agents may also be used to alleviate symptoms associated with cystine stone passage, such as pain and discomfort.

Common Brands

There are several common brands of cystine depleting agents available on the market. One commonly prescribed brand is tiopronin, which is marketed under the trade name Thiola. Another brand is d-penicillamine, which is sold under the trade name Cuprimine. Both of these medications have been approved by regulatory authorities for the treatment of cystinuria.


While cystine depleting agents can be effective in managing cystinuria, it is important to note that these medications may be associated with certain safety considerations. Patients taking cystine depleting agents should be closely monitored for adverse effects, such as gastrointestinal disturbances, skin rashes, and liver or kidney toxicity. Additionally, individuals with a history of hypersensitivity reactions or certain pre-existing conditions may not be suitable candidates for these medications. It is crucial for patients to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosages and follow their healthcare provider's instructions while using cystine depleting agents. Regular monitoring of kidney function, liver enzymes, and blood counts should be conducted to assess the medication's safety and efficacy. Any concerns or side effects should be promptly reported to a healthcare professional. In conclusion, cystine depleting agents are a valuable class of drugs used to manage cystinuria by reducing cystine levels in the urine and preventing the formation of cystine stones. These medications, such as tiopronin and d-penicillamine, can help dissolve existing stones and alleviate symptoms associated with stone passage. However, patients should be aware of potential safety considerations and closely follow their healthcare provider's guidance throughout treatment.

List of Cystine Depleting Agents