HomeDrug ClassesGLP-2 Analogues

GLP-2 Analogues: Uses, Common Brands, and Safety Info

GLP-2 analogues are a drug class used to treat short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure-associated liver disease. Common brands include teduglutide. They promote intestinal adaptation and improve nutrient absorption, reducing the need for parenteral nutrition. Safety considerations include potential side effects and the need for regular monitoring. Consult a healthcare professional before starting treatment.

GLP-2 Analogues

GLP-2 analogues are a drug class that mimic the action of the hormone glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) in the body. These analogues are designed to stimulate the growth and maintenance of the cells lining the intestines, leading to an increase in intestinal absorption and nutrient utilization. This drug class has shown promising results in the treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders. Let's explore their uses, common brands, and safety considerations.


GLP-2 analogues have been primarily used for two main conditions: short bowel syndrome (SBS) and intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD).1. Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): SBS is a condition characterized by the inability of the small intestine to adequately absorb nutrients due to its partial or complete removal. GLP-2 analogues help improve nutrient absorption by promoting the growth of the intestinal lining, enhancing its ability to absorb nutrients from food. This can lead to enhanced nutrient provision and reduce the need for parenteral nutrition (intravenous feeding).2. Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease (IFALD): IFALD is a complication arising from chronic intestinal failure, where the liver becomes damaged due to the altered flow of nutrients. GLP-2 analogues promote intestinal adaptation and subsequently reduce the risk of IFALD in patients with SBS or other conditions leading to intestinal failure.

Common Brands

Some of the commonly prescribed GLP-2 analogues include:1. Teduglutide (Gattex/Revestive): Teduglutide is a synthetic GLP-2 analogue used in the treatment of adults with SBS. It has been shown to reduce the need for parenteral support and increase intestinal absorption, leading to improved nutrient intake.2. Teduglutide (Recombinant Human GLP-2): Recombinant human GLP-2 is another GLP-2 analogue used for the treatment of SBS. It helps restore intestinal function, reducing the dependence on parenteral nutrition.


As with any medication, GLP-2 analogues have potential side effects and safety considerations to be aware of. Some common side effects reported with the use of GLP-2 analogues include nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and injection-site reactions. These side effects are generally mild to moderate in severity and tend to improve over time. It is important to note that GLP-2 analogues should be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Regular monitoring of liver function, kidney function, and nutritional status is necessary to ensure the safe and effective use of these medications. It is crucial to discuss any existing medical conditions, allergies, or ongoing medications with a healthcare provider before initiating treatment with GLP-2 analogues. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should also consult their healthcare provider regarding the use of these medications. In conclusion, GLP-2 analogues are a drug class that aids in the treatment of short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure-associated liver disease by promoting intestinal adaptation and enhancing nutrient absorption. Common brands such as teduglutide have shown positive outcomes in reducing the need for parenteral nutrition and improving overall nutrient intake. While generally well-tolerated, monitoring and guidance from a healthcare professional are essential to ensure the safe and effective use of GLP-2 analogues.

List of GLP-2 Analogues