HomeConditionsHepatitis C

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects the liver, with over 71 million people worldwide affected. It is primarily transmitted through contaminated blood, and symptoms may be mild or absent initially. Diagnosis involves blood tests, and treatment aims to cure the infection and prevent liver damage. Prevention measures include safe injection practices and blood screening. Understanding this condition is crucial in preventing its spread and managing its effects.

Best medications for Hepatitis C

Drug NameClassRouteStandard DosagePrice
PegasysInterferon AlphasSubcutaneous180 MCG/MLfrom$1075.94
ZepatierHepatitis C Protease / NS5A Inhibitor CombinationsOral50-100 MGfrom$7870.65
MavyretHepatitis C Protease / NS5A Inhibitor CombinationsOral100-40, 50-20 MGfrom$4601.47
Viekira PakHepatitis C Protease / Nucleotide Polymerase / NS5A Inhibitor CombinationsOral12.5-75-50 &250 MGfrom$7506.96
SovaldiNucleotide Polymerase InhibitorsOral200, 400, 150 MGfrom$29888.01
HarvoniNucleotide Polymerase / NS5A Inhibitor CombinationsOral33.75-150, 45-200, 90-400 MGfrom$3942.79
EpclusaNucleotide Polymerase / NS5A Inhibitor CombinationsOral200-50, 400-100, 150-37.5 MGfrom$8326.47
VoseviNucleotide Polymerase / NS5A Inhibitor CombinationsOral400-100-100 MGfrom$25775.15


Hepatitis C is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and can lead to chronic liver disease if left untreated. This condition is a major global health concern, with an estimated 71 million people affected worldwide. Hepatitis C can range in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a lifelong chronic infection that can potentially result in serious complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hepatitis C is crucial in preventing its spread and managing its effects.

Causes of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is primarily transmitted through contact with contaminated blood. The most common mode of transmission is through sharing needles or other drug paraphernalia during intravenous drug use. Other possible modes of transmission include receiving blood transfusions or organ transplants from infected donors, unsafe injection practices in healthcare settings, and, less commonly, through sexual contact or from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth.

Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Many people with hepatitis C may not experience any symptoms initially, or they may exhibit mild flu-like symptoms that are easily overlooked. This lack of early symptoms often makes the infection difficult to detect and diagnose. However, as the disease progresses, individuals infected with hepatitis C may experience fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), abdominal pain, and joint pain. It is important to note that symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, and some individuals may remain asymptomatic for years before complications arise.

Diagnosing Hepatitis C

If hepatitis C is suspected, a healthcare provider will perform a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis. These tests include blood tests to detect the presence of HCV antibodies and HCV RNA. Additional tests may be performed to determine the extent of liver damage and assess the best course of treatment.

Treatment for Hepatitis C

Advancements in medicine have revolutionized the treatment of hepatitis C. The primary goal of treatment is to cure the infection and prevent further liver damage. The treatment strategy may involve antiviral medications that specifically target the hepatitis C virus. The choice of medications and duration of treatment will depend on various factors, including the genotype of the virus and the extent of liver damage. Regular monitoring of liver function and follow-up examinations are important for assessing the response to treatment and ensuring a successful outcome.

Prevention and Control

Preventing the transmission of hepatitis C is essential in minimizing its impact on public health. Some preventive measures include using sterile needles and ensuring proper infection control practices in healthcare settings. Screening blood donations and implementing safe transfusion practices also play a crucial role in preventing new infections. Education and awareness programs promoting safer sex practices and precautions for pregnant women can further contribute to the prevention and control of hepatitis C.


Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects millions of people worldwide. With timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, individuals infected with hepatitis C can achieve a cure and prevent further complications. Prevention efforts, such as safe injection practices and blood screening, are vital in reducing the spread of this potentially serious condition. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hepatitis C, individuals can take proactive steps to protect their own health and the well-being of others.